Scilabs implements a well-structured long-term teacher professional development programme ideally
suited to adequately cater for the critical professional development needs of teachers.
Even experienced teachers can gain from constructive peer coaching and innovative mentorship programmes.
This complete package helps bring our two-pronged strategy to fruition.
Not intended as criticism to the tremendous efforts exerted by the Department of Education,
there isn’t nearly enough resources to train teachers to use science educational tools and
laboratory equipment, leading to a deficiency in practical skills and a lack of understanding
in the science concepts they are supposed to teach. Hence, standards in science classrooms
may fall because of the shortage of properly trained science educators.
Deficiencies in practical skills and conceptual understanding are passed on from teacher
to learner who then becomes an educator – from one generation to the next. This cycle
perpetuates incompetence and can lead to a deterioration of standards over time.
At Scilabs, We have the expertise to offer full service and support, to ensure our clients
receive true value from their investment in our products.